How to Build A Bookstore Ecommerce Website

There’s still magic left between the pages of a book -- the smell of the paper, the heft of the body, the absence of electronic distractions. Experts hailed the end of the book when e-books started selling well. But even though there’s a big market for e-books, it turns out digital book sales have stayed relatively stagnant, capturing the same 20 percent of the market they did a few years ago.

Now might be the perfect time to learn how to build a bookstore ecommerce website, don’t you think? Though digital books aren’t the focus, people still love to buy stuff digitally, including physical copies of books. It’s actually pretty easy to get started. All you need is the right ecommerce software, built specially for online stores like yours.

What else should you know about learning how to build a bookstore ecommerce website? Here are a few tips and tricks.

Design a site
Design a site a bookworm will love

What makes your bookstore different than other online bookstores? It could be the way your customers discover new books, and your design will play a major role in that. You'll want to involve a professional designer in the site creation process if you want to have a unique design. In some cases, you can do it through your ecommerce software provider.

write reviews
Make it easy for customers to write reviews

Book lovers enjoy putting on the critic's hat after they finish a good (or bad) read. As you learn how to build a bookstore ecommerce website, you’ll understand the power of including a review section where customers can weigh in on their purchases. This gives your audience a deeper and more personal connection with your online store, ensuring they'll return to buy more books.

Launch your bookstore
Launch your bookstore

Getting your products into the system is actually much simpler than you think. The process requires some administrative work (like writing copy or adding pictures), but it really isn’t hard for you to accomplish and manage as your business gets off the ground.

Run promotions
Run promotions

Once you’ve learned how to build a bookstore ecommerce website and launched to the public, it's time to drum up some serious business by running promotions. These may come in the form of "buy one, get one" or "30% off" coupons.

Reward loyal customers
Reward loyal customers

Your ecommerce platform should have a built in loyalty program. Once you get it set up, you can incentivize your customers to come back for more.